In Calc you may load an XML document and then save to dbase format

When saving a Calc document as dbase format which version of dbase is being used?

I am then trying to open in a program that uses db3 format and I am receiving errors so I need to know the version in use so that I can change the saved document to that version.


In the past I adapted some dBase-Files and tested also writing back to dBase. No problems with an original dBase 3.
You get errors from Calc or from dBase? Wich error? You are aware dBase is not prepared to use handle Multi-byte Charsets like utf8?

Thanks for the quick response. Looks like my approach is wrong - I will strip out the special characters first from the xml and then open in Calc, save as excel, open in excel and save as tab delimited and load into my old program as tab delimited. the errors were in Calc saving to dbase which i modified manually in Calc. Obviously I was still leaving characters that were incompatible with my db3 load in another old program. which then said the load file wasn’t db3 compatible. Longer but simpler as it is just a small number of very large files.

Thanks again.

Why not directly from Calc to csv? You may set tab as delimiter in the dialogue ( I always tick edit filter options to check ) but obviously you need to know the needed charset for conversions, if you work with old DOS-files (IBM437/US I used for dBase-files)

Thanks, I’ll take a look.

Field type mismatch? Calc has no concept of fields nor records. Every single cell can take any type of value.
menu:View > Highlight Values [Ctrl+F8] highlights numbers in blue. Dates and times should be blue.

But the export-filter has/may have. It actually warns when Unicode-Characters can not be converted to the 8bit-codepage of the dBase-file, or if strings are to long. I didn’t test numeric precision.