In draw, moving object with mouse doesn't reliably drop object on grid

Windows. Draw version 4K notebook display (250% scale).
Unit of measurement : mm

I have varied many of these settings and always have the same problem. When moving an object with the mouse the object will not reliably snap to the grid. Is there any way to make this happen?

Both sides can snap, the right and left and of course there is the upper edge or the lower edge. At a division of one mm I think it will be hard to determine which edge is snapping and to which point.
At a 30 pixel snap it is hard to know what grid point one of the edges is snapping to.

When I have snapping on, which is rarely, I have set

  • Resolution to 10.00 mm
  • Subdivision to 1
  • Snap range to 5 pixels

Generally, when working I don’t worry too much about exact placement on the page because I usually copy to Writer or export to svg or png. I do like to have good or exact placement of objects relative to each other.

  • I have Helplines visible, View > Grid & Helplines > Helplines while moving. If I can line up a helpline with a point on another object, that is often sufficient.
  • I do use the Position & Size (Format > Position & Size F4) dialogue to position and size objects exactly. Sometimes a spreadsheet is handy to do the calculations and store positions for future calculations
  • I use the Align icon frequently for both exact and sufficient positioning
  • At zoom 180% and 1:1 the arrow keys move an object 1 mm. Alt+Arrow moves it 0.15 mm. Shift+Arrow moves an object 10 mm