In my libreoffice calc sheet more than 100 tabs are there. Is there any easy way to get all tab name in a sheet?

Please anyone help me?
Solution already available in this forum. But it has taken to much of time complete it.

Yes, it took so much time with 100+ tabs.

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Function SheetNames()
SheetNames = ThisComponent.Sheets.getElementNames()
End Function

When called as an array function (finished with Ctrl+Shift+Enter) =SHEETNAMES() returns a horizontal list. For a vertical list call =TRANSPOSE(SHEETNAMES()).

'' List Sheets By Names = Sub ListPlanByNames
Sub ListPlanByNames
Dim name As String, cont As Integer
For cont = 0 To ThisComponent.Sheets.getCount() - 1
name = name & ThisComponent.Sheets(cont).Name &Chr(10)
msgBox name, 0, "Existing sheets:"
End Sub

I only had 20ish tabs to pull together so this was a quick and easy solution. I can see that if I had a magnitude more that this could be cumbersome and the query solutions listed below would be more beneficial. But for a quick shot… this was the answer!

There are basically two ways:

  1. Make the UDF -UserDefinedFunction- contained in the attached example document (or an equivalent one) available and apply it.
  2. Use the CELL() fuinction with the first argument “ADDRESS”, and a reference to a cell in the sheet you want to see the name of as the second argument.

Remember: Spreadsheet documents with so many sheets are a basically bad idea.

The second way requires to “click” into a cell of the wanted sheet, and therefore saves some time (for typing names) and can create updated results if names were changed, but isn’t exactly “automatic”.
A standard function returning sheet names based on sheet numbers (or similar) does not exist.
disask87230SheetNames.ods (14.4 KB)

Extremely reduced UDF:

Function singleSheetName(pZ)
singleSheetName = ThisComponent.Sheets(pZ - 1).Name
End Function

so the question is »get all tabnames in a sheet«
→→3. list all Sheet-names below current selected cell

def list_sheetnames_below_selection(*_):
    doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
    sel = doc.CurrentSelection
    sheet = sel.Spreadsheet
    cursor = sheet.createCursorByRange(sel)
    out = tuple(zip(doc.Sheets.ElementNames))
    cursor.collapseToSize(len(out[0]), len(out))
    cursor.DataArray = out

its python… and the organizer for python-code is apso.oxt from here

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Thanks @karolus, that worked perfectly.

I am using Ubuntu, and installing apso.oxt I got a Failed to register package for error, the same as this one. Installing libreoffice-script-provider-python (also mentioned on jmzambon/apso) and restarting Calc fixed it, and I could install the extension.

After reading Python Guide - Introduction - The Document Foundation Wiki I placed your code in ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/Scripts/python/

I could then run the macro in Calc from Tools → Macros → Run macro → My Macros → list-all-sheets, and it output all the sheets in a list. Beautiful!

Here is a StarBasic version of the subroutine:

Sub ListTabNames()

 Dim oDoc, oSheets, oSheet, oTargetSheet, oTargetCell, oCell as object
 Dim i, iShCount, iRow, iCol as integer
	oDoc = ThisComponent
	oSheets = oDoc.getSheets
	iShCount = oSheets.Count
	oTargetSheet= oDoc.getcurrentcontroller.activesheet
	oTargetCell = oDoc.getCurrentSelection()
	iRow = oTargetCell.GetCellAddress.Row
	iCol = oTargetCell.GetCellAddress.Column
	For i = 0 to iShCount-1
		oCell = oTargetSheet.getCellByPosition(iCol, iRow+i)
		oSheet = oSheets.getbyIndex(i)
		oCell.String =
	next i
End Sub

Hi Zizi64

Going to use your solution. First time with Calc. What are the steps to load the code, How do I activate to run, button?
Can it be run when a new tab is created.


Charles Harris


