I’m using LibreOffice version In protected mode I can’t rename the original sheet or delete rows and columns. For “Allow all users of this sheet to:”, all the boxes are checked except “Select protected cells.” Does anyone have any suggestions?
The fundamental thing to remember is that if Protect sheet is enabled then Protected cells cannot be altered at all. A second thing to remember is that the default is for all cells is to be protected.
I reiterate Protected cells cannot be altered at all. This means you cannot rename the sheet.
If you want to insert or delete rows or columns they have to be beyond the protected cells (or the protected cells will be altered by being in a different row or column). Select everything after the cells you want to protect, right to the end of the spreadsheet, right-click and select Format Cells > Cell Protection and untick Protected. You can then add to or delete the unprotected rows or columns.
Thanks!! That solved the problem. I was neglecting to select everything “right to the end of the spreadsheet”. Case Closed.
If you click the grey tick mark beside my answer to turn it green then others can see that a correct answer has been given. This is useful if someone else has the same issue