At file “open”, LibreOffice appears to default to a dialog in which the file type is initially set to “All files”.
At file “save as”, LibreOffice defaults to the native file format for the relevant component [e.g. odt or ods].
In the latter [“save as”] case, selecting the “File type” drop-down in the dialog displays only those file types within the destination folder that LibreOffice can itself write, and there is no option to display “All files”. Any files of other types within the directory remain hidden.
There may be other ways to achieve the result of displaying “All files”, but the only one I have discovered so far is to key “.” into the filename field and hit return. This is extremely fiddly, and counter-intuitive for most users. It is also, of course, possible to swap out to a file manager and check the contents of the target directory there, or – prior to attempting the “save as” – check the directory by inspection in a dummy “File open” operation, but this is extremely tedious and inefficient!
There are many scenarios where an organised user might want to avoid proliferation of files with the same [or even similar] name but different file extensions, unless these files were directly related [such as a pdf being derived from an odt or ods].
How can the “save as” dialog be made to include the “All files” option among the drop-down list?