In version 6.4 does the offline help work?

I am having difficulties getting offline help to give me any data at all (in calc spreadsheet). I followed the instruction to load the help file, using the help file associated with 64 bit download file for the program. Loaded on a Windows 10 64 bit laptop, LO version - 6.4.0 64 bit English version. I have load java 64 bit onto laptop also. When I open Calc click on the Help at the opening screen - I get C:\Users\jtkca\AppData\Local\Temp\lu18436aorod.tmp\NewHelp0.html does not exist.

I followed the instruction to load the help file, using the help file associated with 64 bit download file for the program

… and what happens then?

(Yes it works generally, when you do it correctly - dependent on your OS, your LO version, architecture, and UI language.)

OS - Windows 10 64 bit
LO version - 6.4.0 64 bit
English version
C:\Users\jtkca\AppData\Local\Temp\lu18436aorod.tmp\NewHelp0.html does not exist.

Please tell which file has you downloaded to install help; and what did you do with it to install. It is unusual that LibreOffice tries to open the help in a temporary directory. Did you try to reset your user profile?

LO (x64) Eng GB. Language options all set to Eng UK.
Help pack is LibreOffice_7.1.2_Win_x64_helppack_en-GB.
Offline Help does not work - pressing F1 takes me straight to the online help web page.
Any other suggestions please?

@Jas0n: Could you please post the URL of the web page with help that is opened when you press F1?

Sorry my mistake Mike - it is the offline help but it confused me because it now opens in a browser.