Index Issue, number extending into margins, not continuing onto next line

Hello, I am using LO Ver. 24.8.03 on Windows 7 Pack1. My document was first written on earlier version ( think 7. something, unsure).
I needed to update some index info, but when I looked at .odt file Index format was incorrect. The page numbering (Entry, dots, Page Number) did not carry on to a second line. I added a sample of how both columns look with many page number entries. I am not sure what changed, my saved PDF files are correct.

I was able to reproduce this problem by adding an entry with many page number entries.

I had a similar issue in 2022, and have tried the advised suggestion, but with no luck.
I have tried working through page styles and also Edit Index, but again no luck, or I am doing something incorrect or out of sequence/order.
Thanks for your assistance,

I’d say this is a common trouble with multi-column index when the “Structure” line is badly configured or you changed the page style without adjusting Index parameters. It is difficult to diagnose with a mere screenshot. Please attach a reduced version of your document (5 pages max) still exhibiting the issue.

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I experimented with the sample file you sent me privately.

Congratulations! You uncovered a regression bug. If I open your document in, your index displays as expected. Under 24.2.x, “long” index entries don"t wrap to next line and are clipped to the width of the column.

I think it is the manifestation of a “traditional” bug where the implicit position of the align-right tab is not modified to take into account the multi-column context.

I filed bug report tdf#162763 with your sample file where all words are replaced with “xxxxx”.

Wow! That is good news. I now know that it is not the file itself, with the index.

I will look to correcting those other issues also. Thanks for telling me about them.

I recently updated my LO. I will see if I can roll it back to the older version.
Thanks again you for all of your help!

A comment in the bug report says updating the index fixes the case. I assume you already tried this. Updating has no effect under

Usually, versions x.y.z.w where z is 0 or 1 are considered “early adopters” versions still suffering bugs. z >=2 is needed for stable, production-grade use.
Thanks to @LeroyG for pointing out my inaccurate vocabulary.

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