I’m working with LO Calc v.
The O.S is Windows 10 on an MS Surface.
I don’t have enough points to upload a file, so I hope this description works.
On the first sheet, I call it “Master” I have a column of sheet names. ABC, DEF, GHI, etc.
The remaining sheets (ABC, DEF, GHI etc), each has data. I’m interested in the same address on each sheet, C4
Suppose C4 in ABC is 12, in DEF is 23, in GHI is 57 etc.
Then I want to end up with a table in Master, col.A the sheet names, col.B. the C4 data (12, 23, 57 etc.)
I can achieve this by entering =ABC.C4 in col.B beside the ABC in col.A, DEF.C4 in col.B beside the DEF in col.A etc.
However this is quite tedious if I have 50 sheets.
I have tried variations of the Indirect function, but none work. So what should I do?
As a related question, does Calc (or Excel for that matter) offer an “Execute” function. i.e. that evaluates a string and then, well, executes it? Then I could just enter =Execute(A4&“C$4”)