When using the Default template originally, Insert>Horizontal Line inserted a double line. I could go into the Horizontal Line paragraph style and change the settings.
When using the Default template now, Insert>Horizontal Line doesn’t appear to do anything. I can still change the settings in the Horizontal Line paragraph style. However, if I simply change the Line Arrangement to the original settings and click OK, the spacing above and below the line is no longer equal like it was before.
I am using Windows 7 64 bit Pro with the latest updates and LibreOffice
Does anyone have an idea of what might have happened to change the Default template and how to fix it?
To get to the bottom of the matter, a sound basic knowledge of styles, especially paragraph styles, is required.
The paragraph styles are created hierarchically.
The source of all paragraph styles is the “Default” paragraph style.
A special case are the paragraph styles “Heading n”, which I will not consider further here.
For normal text, the paragraph style “Text body” (or derivatives of it) should always be used.
The paragraph style “Default” should remain untouched (unchanged) and should also not be used for text assignments.
The “Horizontal Line” paragraph style is a child of the “Default” paragraph style.
So if you make changes in the “Default” paragraph style, they will affect all other paragraph styles.
It is IMHO not possible to make a statement about your description from a distance.
To examine your document, use the Navigator and the Style Inspector in the sidebar.
If you don’t get along with the above statements, you should upload a reduced and anonymized document where the problem is present here for someone to look at.
When using the Default template now, Insert>Horizontal Line doesn’t appear to do anything.
What has changed?
…if I simply change the Line Arrangement to the original settings and click OK…
What does that mean?
Before, when I opened a new document using the Default template and inserted a horizontal line (Insert>Horizontal Line), the line would appear as a double line. Right clicking on the Horizontal Line paragraph style showed a double line as the bottom border in the Borders tab.
When I open a new document now using the Default template and try to insert a horizontal line (Insert>Horizontal line), nothing appears. Right clicking on the Horizontal Line paragraph style shows no bottom border in the Borders tab.
Thank you for your attempts to help, but the situation remains the same. I’ve even tried going to the Windows Control Panel and doing a repair on LibreOffice.
Then, I uninstalled LibreOffice and reinstalled it. The situation remains the same. I must right click on the Horizontal Line paragraph style and manually create a bottom border in the Border tab to get a horizontal line in my document.