Insert mode / Insert key not working (whilst Track Changed is set to Record)


In writer, when I press the insert key I would expect the cursor to change to insert / overwrite mode. I’ve looked on the forum and seen people suggest the status bar, but I don’t seem to have cursor options. Only selection options, among language and the rest. The settings don’t seem to have anything useful, and the insert key is binded to insert mode.

I’m using LibreOffice Community, on Debian Linux.

If you could help it would be much appreciated, needing to use Writer more often and used to a Vim style of editing. Thanks.

In the Status bar, Insert mode shows nothing, Overwrite shows its name. First gap after Language, see image from LO on Windows, maybe it works the same in Debian too.

I can’t help with keyboard input on Debian, sorry.

Thanks for your reply. I opened a new empty document and it worked, even the insert key worked. It appears that insert or overwrite mode isn’t working whilst Track Changed is set to Record. Maybe it’s a bug? I’ll report it anyhow.