Repro in Writer/GMail: Searched for ‘viaduct’, but couldn’t find either text listed, so I just copied a section with text, headings, and pictures. GMail and Writer preserved text, headings, and pics (small delay w/pics in Writer). Writer status bar flashed “Importing document” while pasting.
Joe1234, qubit, thanks for your efforts, and for the information produced by them!!
So, we have come full circle, and I make again the comment I made in the post which began all this: “I figure if Yahoo Mail can reproduce all photos and other graphics when I copy and paste them for an email, LibreOffice Writer should be able to do that too.” So I figured right—based on what you two experienced, LibreOffice Writer IS able to do that too.
So now we have to figure out why mine is not. If I may, Joe1234, I’d like to ask you about a little remark you made in describing what you did. You said, in your most recent set of comments, “Again, right clicked one photo and soon after, all 17 photos appeared in all their glory in Writer.”
First, qubit, did you also have to right click a photo to make images appear? Second, Joe1234, obviously when someone normally copies and pastes, he doesn’t have to do anything after pasting to make things appear. Third, I had already, several days ago, in desperation, tried right-clicking, left-clicking, simultaneous clicking, pounding on my keyboard, etc. and nothing had worked. But in light of your comment Joe1234, I tried again, and again, all four options presented to me after right-clicking yielded no photos when tried, nor did the options sound like they would yield photos.
So what’s going on? I only began using LibreOffice a month ago, with my new computer. Is it possible that Windows 8 and LibreOffice don’t yet fully mesh, and that’s why I’m having this problem? Has copying and pasting images from a web page been tested in LibreOffice Writer using Windows 8?
Anyway, thanks again, Joe1234 and qubit, for your strenuous efforts on my behalf! I really appreciate it, even if they’ve not yet yielded fruit for me!
Let’s see (1) I pasted content into LO and just waited – I didn’t need to right click for the images to appear. (2) I’m testing w/Ubuntu 12.04.1 + LO, so it’s possible there’s something diff with LO on Win8. (3) If I can find a machine w/Win8 I will definitely run the test for you!
graviton, maybe you accidentally reduced the memory allocated in LibO to graphics files? Tools → Options → LibreOffice → Memory → Graphics cache. My own settings, which I don’t know if they’re factory default or not, are “Use for LibreOffice (MB): 24” and “Memory per object (MB): 5.2”.
The right-clicking may or may not make a difference, it’s just one of the things I try when the machine doesn’t want to obey my commands promptly. Otherwise I’m afraid I’ve run out of ideas.
@qubit1, graviton said that he’d experienced the same problem before on a comp running Win XP. Don’t think it is anything to do with Win 8.
@Joe1234, re: testing this in WinXP, the line I see from graviton is “everything I say NOW about reproducing web pages in Yahoo Mail is equally true of my experience with Windows XP in Yahoo Mail.” But I’m sure graviton can clarify. I’ll continue looking for a win8 machine in the meantime
No, Joe1234, the first time I ever used LibreOffice was in the past month, with my new computer running Windows 8. My reference to Win XP had to do with copying and pasting successfully in Yahoo Mail.
Joe1234, I just checked the Graphics cache settings and they are 20 MB and 5.2 MB, which is far more than was necessary for the itty bitty photos I was trying to copy and paste.
qubit, you were exactly correct in what you said to Joe1234! And I really appreciate your trying to investigate whether Win 8 is responsible for my problems. THANKS A WHOLE LOT!
Hi, everyone! It’s been established over the past week that LibreOffice Writer can copy and paste web pages, including photos, drawings, and other graphics, into documents of Writer.
I, however, am unable to do that. All obvious remedies have been tried and failed. So the question is: Has LibreOffice Writer been shown to be fully compatible with Windows 8, my operating system? Or is Windows 8 in fact the reason I can only copy and paste text from web pages and not images?
So I ask anyone out there with Windows 8 like me to please, if you would be so kind, go to any web page with photos and text, and copy a chunk of it, and see if you can paste the photos successfully in LibreOffice Writer or if you only get essentially an empty box where the photo should be.
qubit comments:
“@graviton, I just threw a couple of windows8 tags on this question. Still asking my peers for a win8 test machine. A few of them just received new windows laptops, all of which came with win7. Wondering if this an indication that the computer companies don’t trust win8 yet…”
qubit, you rock!! And I’m not the kind of person who ever says things like “You rock!”, but this really warrants it. qubit, you’ve gone “above and beyond” but I can’t even say the call of duty because you have no duty to lift a finger. In short, I fully grasp and appreciate your altruistic efforts!
As for Windows 8, God knows it has many “imperfections”, to be very kind to Microsoft in choosing that word. I think any user of Win8 could launch into a multi-hour diatribe just cataloging the truly infuriating properties of the touchpad alone. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Win8 is responsible for my problems copying web page photos/images to Writer, especially since no plausible alternative is occurring to people who know far more about LibreOffice than I.
qubit, assuming you find someone with Win8 who tries to copy web page photos and fails just like me and we therefore have pretty irrefutable proof that Win8 is the culprit, what then? Will the LibreOffice designers be notified, will they take steps to address it? Or does the problem lie with Microsoft’s design of Windows 8, so that it would have to be remedied by them?
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@Joe1234 – Yes, I’d like to lift (or at least drastically slash) those karma hurdles. They seem to be causing more trouble than they’re worth. I’m trying to suggest changes a little at a time, and see what kind of support I get.
(1) Thank you for your kind words!
(2) Regarding Windows 8, if we can repro your bug on another machine running the same OS then that would strongly point the finger at win8 (or perhaps at the LO code as it runs on win8!). We can file a bug, and hope that the devs can find the problem.
I’m using Windows 8 64-bit and LibreOffice I successfully copy/paste Yahoo news articles, words and pictures, and afterwards break the links since I don’t want to rely on internet connections always being available. I highlight what I want to copy, right click, copy, select the text document, right click, paste. No problem. Overall though, and much as Micro$oft annoys me, Word can do this more cleanly, faster, and with less effort. If you can afford the $$, it’s the better choice imho.