You stated:
In the line “oReport.commandType = 2” the message “Property or method not found: commandType” appears. What should I do?
Best to start learning MRI or XRay object inspector.
The problem here is that at:
oReport = oDatabaseDocument.reportdocuments.getbyname("MyReport")
There is no commandType
or command
property at this point.
These properties are available when the report is in the edit mode. You can edit the report with a macro but not through the connection you have. For this you should have the object sent from the form. Have given basics of this before.
Tested with:
Sub sendObject
if IsNull(ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.ActiveConnection) then
End Sub
Then the code in MyMacros (guessing that is entire objective here):
Sub LimparCampos2(oDBdoc) As Object
oReport = oDBdoc.reportdocuments.getbyname("MyReport")
oRDesign = oReport.openDesign
oContainerWindow = oRDesign.getCurrentController().getFrame().getContainerWindow()
REM Can set design to minimized or not Visible
REM oContainerWindow.IsMinimized = True
REM oContainerWindow.IsMinimized = False
REM oContainerWindow.setVisible(True)
oRDesign.CommandType = 2
oRDesign.Command = "YOUR SQL HERE"
End Sub
You should add DIM statements. Design mode closes at end of sub but report itself stays open. Report design remains as before processing.
Edit 2021-07-10:
Recalled access method using your original connection (had done this on a standalone Writer form):
Sub OpenRpt
sDBName = "DB Name Or Location"
oContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
oDB = oContext.getByName(sDBName)
dbForms = oDB.DatabaseDocument.ReportDocuments
oConn = oDB.getConnection("","")
ReportName = "Report Name"
Dim pProp(1) As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
pProp(0).Name = "ActiveConnection"
pProp(0).Value = oConn
pProp(1).Name = "OpenMode"
pProp(1).Value = "openDesign"
REM Open in Design to modify
oReport = dbForms.loadComponentFromURL(ReportName, "_blank", 0, pProp())
oContainerWindow = oReport.getCurrentController().getFrame().getContainerWindow()
REM oContainerWindow.IsMinimized = True
REM oContainerWindow.IsMinimized = False
Rem oContainerWindow.setVisible(True)
oReport.CommandType = 2
oReport.Command = "YOUR SQL"
Dim pProp2(1) As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
pProp2(0).Name = "ActiveConnection"
pProp2(0).Value = oConn
pProp2(1).Name = "OpenMode"
pProp2(1).Value = "open"
REM Open while Design not yet closed - has SQL
oReport2 = dbForms.loadComponentFromURL(ReportName, "_blank", 0, pProp2())
End Sub
Still requires editing report but now uses your original connection code.