On my Linux-Mint 17 system, I install my LibreOffice systems using sudo dpkg -i *.deb. The systems are installed in the FILE SYSTEM > OPT directory.
I have 5.3, 5.4 and Development 6.0 existing quite happily. However, before I upgrade I remove the previous version at that level, 5.4.2 replacing 5.4.1, 5.3.2 replacing 5.3.1 etc. I use synaptic to do this job.
Remember that 5.3 and 5.4 will use the same . .config/libreoffice in your home directory. 6.0 development uses a different config file .config/libreofficedev.
In my case, as I call the versions 5.4 and 5.3, new versions will override the previous versions, but I prefer to remove the previous versions myself. I would not have expected LibO to have installed as 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 unless you override the default names.
This is for guidance only. Check that it applies for your system. Looks a little complicated, but is really only a set of simple instructions.
Using SYNAPTIC to remove LibreOffice software. This example is for Libreoffice5.4
On my linux-mint mate systems I install using “sudo dpkg -i *.deb” LibreOffice is install in folders on FILE SYSTEM/OPT/libreofficex.y where x.y is 5.3, 5.4, 6.0 etc, not 5.4.1, 5.4.2 etc. so details may vary slightly. The installed files are called libreofficex.y and libobasisx.y which can be removed using SYNAPTIC.
Start synaptic > in QUICK FILTER find version of LibreOffice for example libreoffice5.4
Select libreoffice5.4 and MARK FOR REMOVAL (NOT mark for complete removal)
Mark for removal. This will select most lines highlighted. Manually select the two or three unselected items containing libreoffice5.4.
Then QUICK FILTER libobasis5.4 and select libobasis5.4-core and mark for removal. Then manually select the other items containing libobasis5.4, again 2 or 3.
Select APPLY then review the list of programs to be removed.
Check the list of programs to be removed. They will all have 5.4 in their names.
Then say OK and wait.
Hope this helps…Peter