I am creating a form with subforms, as part of a database to log my work time and projects. I have LibreOffice v5.1.4.2 for Ubuntu Linux. Right now I’m testing data entry before adding the rest of the current subform and the three other subforms that I want to add. But Base refuses to let me add the record due to “integrity constraint violation - no parent SYS_FK_247” So far these error messages have clued me in to things I need to fix in my database, but this time I have no idea what to do. The Base instructions mention this error on pp49-50, but I can’t figure out how those instructions relate to what I’m doing. I’ve looked online and found nothing relevant.
I have good screenshots to show what’s happening but this website won’t let me upload them. That’s frustrating.
Since the error message mentions a “parent” then perhaps it has something to do with table relationships. Perhaps I have not specified properly which table is the parent, but I’ve looked countless times and cannot figure out how to specify that, both when creating the relationship and afterward. Also, the Table Relationships screen shows a many-to-one relationship. I would think that a one-to-one relationship would be more appropriate, since I intend to use the date as the one unique item linking all the tables and forms to each other. But again, I haven’t figured out or found out yet how to specify that. The instructions are silent on that issue.
Perhaps I am just not understanding yet how to set up a form with subforms. The way I am now setting it up, I will have to enter the date at the beginning of the form, and also on each subform that I will use on a given day. Maybe it’s silly to have to enter the date more than once on the same screen, but I haven’t figured out a better way yet.
I’m new to Base and have worked a lot on this and made good progress. But now I’ve reached a stopping point here. If I can’t figure this out, the only way I can think of to proceeed further is to avoid subforms by combining all the tables into one, but that seems needlessly complicated. I really hope someone can point me in the right direction, and I really appreciate any help.