Interrupt page style flow for one page


I have a nice writer document with “Right page” and “left page” page styles, and line numbers on both footers. If I insert text in the middle, the page style’s flow makes everything get reordered: left page, right page, left page, right page, etc.

Now I want to insert a full page image. I would rather have it in a page without a page number. I can make a new “Image” page style without the footer, but what should I put as a next page sytle? (Organizer → Next Style).

Thanks in advance,

– Diego

You probably don’t need the Left and Right page styles, you can use the Default style instead and turn off Same content left/right on the Header and Footer tabs. Then all you have to do is add the page with the image with its own page style and the next page can be Default. If you want to keep the Left and Right page styles, it depends on where you insert the page with the image - on a left or right page.

You are right! It works with the Default style. Thanks!!