Introducing New LibePythonista Extension. The power of python now inside of Calc

Introducing LibePythonista

This is the official announcement of LibrePythonista. An extension that brings the full power of python into of Calc Spreadsheets.

Finally Python inside of LibreOffice Calc.

LibrePythonista brings the power of Pandas, Matplotlib and much more to LibreOffice Calc.

Watch the Introduction Video

Highly recommened to watch first.

Watch the video




All python code is executed on your local computer. This can alleviate many concerns around data privacy as your data does not leave your computer to be processed.

Using LibrePythonista is it possible to create Data frame’s, Series, custom Graphs an much more directly in a spreadsheet.


Download Extension here

Repository is found on GitHub

YouTube Channel is found at @LibrePythonIsta


Beautiful work :grinning: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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