Introduction of EU AI Act 2024


The EU AI Act was enacted in the EU in August 2024. The first stage of the Act comes into force on 02/02/2025.

The person/organization that deploys software that contravenes this Act is seen to be held responsible, penalties (substantial) to be enforced from August 2025.

Is there any part of LibreOffice that uses any type of AI that would contravene the EU AI Act?

That said, it is not only the EU AI Act that is in question. Colorado, New York, for example have introduced their own AI Laws. For now, I am most concerned with the question of the LibreOffice suite contravening the EU AI Act.


I don’t speak for TDF, but if the Office Suite is running completely on your desktop, there is no connection to AI.
But take care wich extensions you use. It is possible to write extensions wich connects to/uses AI-service.
It is possible to connect to DeepL for translations but you have to configure this. If DeepL uses techniques wich fall under some AI-legislation you may need to declare/check/stop this…