Good morning everyone!
I’ve just installed version on Windows 10. Everything works fine, but there’s a major problem: the menu text is almost invisible because it’s white on a light gray background, and to see it, you have to hover over it with the mouse. I went to Options/Application Colors, but there is no setting that makes the written ones black (or other dark colour). This problem only occurs with the “Light” theme, and in both Writer and Calc. I also tried disabling both hardware acceleration and OpenCl, but that didn’t work. I am attaching an image describing the problem. What can I do to fix the problem?
Thank you in advance…
I cannot reproduce the effect on my Windows 11 computer although I used settings you show including LO green theme and repeated for Windows Dark Mode and Light Mode.
Maybe you didn’t set LO Green theme but possibly you have set your own Custom mode in Windows? If not, I suggest you report a bug, First steps to take before submitting a bug - The Document Foundation Wiki and How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki
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