Trying the program for the first time and liking it. However, the copy, paste, and redo icons are not visible. Using Win7
You can customize your toolbar they way you want. My toolbars are highly customized so I don’t have the standard version anymore, thus need to make some assumption
Right click on the standard toolbar (should be the most left one) > Customize
Now you have 2 possibility:
1 - You can make icons visible or unvisible by checking or unchecking icons
2 - You can add or remove icons to a toolbar using the buttons ADD or REMOVE.
Additional comments:
1 - You can even create your own icons
2 - LibO has excellent context menus. This allows you to copy & paste without moving your mouse always to the toolbars.
3 - Also the sidebar is an excellent tool. Have a look at it to see how this can help you. I personally use it very often.
4 - I recommend to have a look at the free guides which you can download from