Is anyone interested in forming, joining or signposting to a celtic languages developer group for LibreOffice?

I have done a little research and have noted with interest many Celtic language add-ons are available for Libre Office but the scope is limited to spell check dictionaries only. I would like to compile a Welsh synonym list by reformatted OCR output from a printed Thesaurus… Besides Welsh on the British mainland Cornish and Scottish Gaelic dictionaries are available as add-ons and I’m sure I saw a Breton one too, so there may be further interest from the Basque and Catalan regions of France and Spain.Irish and Manx interest is welcome too.

Celtic languages are not localized in the same way as others and that seems to be the way LibreOffice development teams are organised. It seems that a collaborative effort might drive forward the development of individual language packs of these minority languages, with thesauri and hyphenation dictionaries, to a level comparable to English, French, Spanish, and Germanic counterparts.

I am certainly happy to share my expertise and wonder if there are any like minded people out there. This is my first post so please accept my apologies if its not relevant.


Thanks Mike. I did check there first but was confused by the fact that the Welsh group is currently just a translated mirror of the LibreOffice site. Have now seen the other groups have been busier. I can now find appropriate the dictionary developer developer on Git Hub and think I understand the submission process. Who knows I may be able to make a contribution after all!