Is generating Turabian style footnotes possible in LO Writer?

Good afternoon,

In Philosophy the footnote most of the times only contains a shortened version of a bibliographic entry, like

  1. Rorty: Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. 37.
  2. Heidegger: Being and Time. 41.
    Is it possible to insert such a shortened version of reference with the combination of Insert > Footnote and Endnote > Footnote AND the Insert > Table of Contents and Index > Bibliography Entry? I wasn’t able to do so. (Is it possible to do some automated version of generating footnotes like these?)
    And of course the Bibliography section contains all the long versions of the references that were used in the paper, like
  3. Rorty, Richard: Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. Princeton, Princeton Univeristy Press, pp. 439. etc.

Thank you for your help.