Is it possible to add all records from database into a table in writer in a single page

Hi all,

I’d like to add all rows returned from a database table into one table in Writer, in a single page.
Is this possible?

Depends of the rows and columns of the table. Copy the table (right mouse click on the table in Base) and paste it to Writer. Choose the fields you will get. Table will be created by default.

If you want all content on one page you could also create a frame on the page and paste the content in this frame. Frame will only appear on this page, not on next page, but the whole content will be in this frame.

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Got it. That was straightforward!
Perhaps, certain tables might have many rows and I foresee them getting carried forward to the the next page, so not using a Frame might work in my case. Thank you so much for the clarification. Kind regards.