Is it possible to iterate through a block of cells and add a constant to each column reference?

I have a spreadsheet that records solar power usage on sheet 1 and a summary on sheet 2.
I’ve just copied 8 years of formulas on sheet 1 and now need to add 96 rows of summary references on sheet 2.
In the past I have copied 12 rows at a time and manually adjusted the references.

This time I would like to automate the adjustment.
If I copy the last 96 summary rows, is there a way to automate adjusting each cell reference to point to a cell 72 columns to the right in sheet 1?

Not sure what you mean, but =OFFSET($Sheet1.A1;0;72) references a cell 72 columns to the right of cell Sheet1.A1 (i.e. Sheet1.A73).