Is it possible to run a query and have BASE write out the results of that query to a PDF?

I am new to LO and database creation in general but I have written a very simple database using the LO BASE wizards. I have created a query that works and generates a report but I would like to know if it is possible have BASE write the results of the query out to a PDF.


The best direction for this is to use the output of the Query as input for Report Builder. Once you have created a report, which is actually a Writer document, you can output that as a PDF.

@Ratslinger : Thank you. Yes, I have a report generated from the query results. I was wondering if LO / BASE had a scripting or automated way of taking that query output and rather than have it open it in the reports section, by pass that and write it out directly to PDF (eg: /home/user/Documents/output.pdf).
If that is not possible, not a problem. Just trying to find a way to create an automatically generated report.
Thank again.

It probably can be done through macros but there are issues to be overcome. For example, you need the name of the generated report. This changes on each successive run without closing the Base file.

Here is a link to a macro to modify a created report → Base, report, text fields : variable height

and then possibly combining that with this macro → how i export pdf using macro

@Ratslinger. Many thanks. I had overlooked the macro option. Still new to LO. With some fiddling around, I do believe this will work. Thanks again.