is it possible to save the look of collapsed/expanded groups? (calc)

I use group and outline to save a lot of space in my spreadsheet… I hide a lot of groups, I also have groups within groups. I tend to keep the groups I adjust often showing their details… There is times I have to expand open all the groups, then when its time to hide the groups I don’t need it is time consuming collapsing all the groups…

Is it possible to store the closed/opened groups as a “view” of sorts that I can recall later for faster workflow? I could definitely use a few different “views” of different seen/hidden group combinations…

any help is appreciated…

I assume you mean hide or show rows or columns.

I guess you could do it with a macro.

Unfortunately, I cannot help you on the subject of macro.

Maybe the general documentation.


Is it possible to store the closed/opened groups as a “view” of sorts that I can recall later for faster workflow?

from my pov the short answer is: No

If you want to develop a system of “macros” for the purpose:
You can store ranges in different ways (e.g.):
Array of SheetCellRange - or of the range addresses
One SheetCellRanges object [myRgs = ThisComponent.createInstance("")]
Specialized structures you define yourself in Basic or… (Type declarations).
The way you choose may depend on the specific features you want to implement.
I don’t yet know a way to ask a spreadsheet for the current level of grouping. Tell me if you find out.
(And I personally next to never used outline groups… not to speak of AutoOutline.)

The (main) related API reference is LibreOffice: XSheetOutline Interface Reference

I would assume the levels are always defined implicitly by nesting.

A simplified example:

Sub createNestedOutlineGroups()
REM For a test I had multi-selected three single ranges in one sheet:
REM "Sheet1.A7:A17,Sheet1.B9:B16,Sheet1.C10:C12"
doc   = ThisComponent
sel   = doc.CurrentSelection
For Each rg in sel
  ra = rg.RangeAddress
  sheet = doc.Sheets(ra.Sheet),
Next rg
REM The Sub created three (additional) nested outline levels as expected.
End Sub
REM In a different test the rows of second range weren't a subset of
REM the rows of the first range. There wasn't casted an error,
REM but the second group was not created.