Is Java still required for LO or LO Help?

I have Java on my system solely to support Libre Office. It was suggested that I uninstall Java for security reasons. The only info I could find dates from 2013. As of now,

  • Is Java still necessary for LO or LO Help; and
  • If it is still required, is there a more secure substitute available?


It was suggested that I uninstall Java for security reasons.

Who suggested that and which Java version do you use?



If you don’t need LibreOffice Base (Database module) you don’t need Java for LibreOffice to work properly (including Help, which is browser-based for quite some time now). The story may be different, if you use extensions, which may require Java.

If you DO use LibreOffice Base, I have discovered that Java is required for report generation and to run Wizards (to help create, Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports).


Your statement is not in contradiction to my answer.