I am the author of asciidoc-odf, a tool to generate styled ODF documents from AsciiDoc markup.
Now I am a looking for a way to validate FODT files, since they are different from ODF files (in that they include all sections that are usually separated in the ZIP file). And the normal ODF schema does not support this.
Here is an example of the output from Jing using the ODF schema on an FODT document:
jing -i relaxng/OpenDocument-v1.2-os-schema.rng curriculum-vitae-dag-wieers.fodt
/home/dag/home-made/cv/curriculum-vitae-dag-wieers.fodt:56:19: error: element "office:settings" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or element "dc:creator", "dc:date", "dc:description", "dc:language", "dc:subject", "dc:title", "meta:auto-reload", "meta:creation-date", "meta:document-statistic", "meta:editing-cycles", "meta:editing-duration", "meta:generator", "meta:hyperlink-behaviour", "meta:initial-creator", "meta:keyword", "meta:print-date", "meta:printed-by", "meta:template" or "meta:user-defined"