Is there a set of LibreOffice branding colors?

I’m working on some instructional videos for LibreOffice. Does LibreOffice have a set of specific colors for their brand? I’d like to keep the aesthetics of the videos consistent with LO’s, (while keeping it clear that I’m just a supporter and not an official part of LO or The Document Foundation.)

Also, are there SVG’s of the LO icons somewhere that I could use?

Any help is appreciated.

A quick internet search on LibreOffice branding had this page top of the list, Design/Branding - The Document Foundation Wiki

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If you make good videos, they could possibly be published on the LibreOffice YouTube channel.

Perhaps a few more tips will help you:

Video how-to guide - The Document Foundation Wiki

Some existing video-tutorials in English:

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Thank you! I did not find this when I was searching, but I didn’t think to search for “branding” specifically.

Thank you very much.

I recognize your screen name, and know that you’ve helped me in the past too. Your help is very much appreciated, especially the video how-to guide. I’m sure there will be some good tips in there.