Is there a toolbar button to add thousands separator?

I am using LibreOffice on Ubuntu 14.04, and I am searching for a toolbar button that adds thousands separator in Calc but I cannot find it. The closest thing I can find is Currency button, but that is not what I want. I usually work with a lot of numbers and do not need currency symbol such as $ or in my case Rp/IDR. Of course I can format those numbers via Format → Cells → Numbers, but doing that all the time is too much work for a simple thing. I mean Office has this “,” button and gnumeric has this “.” button, why can’t we have similar button in LibreOffice?

If you prefer having a clickable icon: There is a command ‘Number Format : Decimal’ from the ‘Category’ ‘Format’ which is already connected to an icon you may ADD to your ‘Formatting’ toolbar, e.g. It does exactly work the same way as the shortcut karolus mentioned.

See image

Thanks a lot, I didn’t know that I need to push ADD button first and find Format in Category Listbox and then find the Number Format: Decimal in Command Listbox. My life is easier now.

However, this is not the same as “thousand seperator”… this convert number into “0.00” while thousand seperator simply add “,” between thousands (such as 56,000)

You are right - and I am upset a bit. It shouldn’t be habit to read that superficially. However, thousand separators are not used much (imo) except with formats containing a currency. Such a format, including the thousands separator and the currency symbol according to your settind you can choose by clicking the coins icon in the formatting toolbar, by default left of the “%” icon. I dont know another formatting icon in this context.

Juist another hint. The thousands separators offered dependen on the locale or not in accordance with ISO standards.

Your answered helped me too :slight_smile: However, the thousand separator is something I would like to have as well :slight_smile:

You might consider the following: Using the comma or the dot as a “thousands separator” depending on the decimal seperator used by the respective locale will intensify the danger of misunderstandings in international exchange. I never use it. The only international standard I know touching the matter is ISO 31. It tells us: Numbers consisting of long sequences of digits can be made more readable by separating them into groups, preferably groups of three, separated by a small space.