Yes. I have 20 boxes w/information, all vertically. When I add the 21st box, I want to realign everything equal distance between the top box and bottom box. The top & bottom boxes stay stationary.
PowerPoint does this, as does Softmakers’ Freeoffice, but so far LibreOffice does not. LUPP’s replies R incorrect. Perhaps they misunderstood question. Blocking/right clicking & choosing align doesn’t have the option I requested help with.
FYI . . . I moved from FreeOffice to LibreOffice because of this single document. I use it daily, and change it often/daily. Although FreeOffice did what I needed visa-a-vie “centering”, their glitch is that the document won’t save in a zoomed mode. So, if I access it 20 times … I had to re-zoom 20 times. So far, LibreOffice lets me save any document at any zoom level. BuT, doesn’t do what I need it to do vis-a-vie “centering”. Hoping I’m missing something!
Do you understand what I’m trying to do, and do you have a fix?
Thx In Advance!