is there a way to calculate all the numbers that belong to a single cell?

i am trying to add multiple numbers to single cell and get a total in the next cell. for example in cell A1 2+2+1+5 and in A2 the summation of all the numbers that belong to cell A1 . any guidance on doing average, division, subtraction the same way will be much much appreciated. thanks

You promise that apart from arithmetic operations you will not ask for anything more? No features? Exponentiation?

This was done 10 years ago as a joke. This joke is still funny -
CalcInCalc(joke).ods (12.2 KB)

i am completely new to libre but i get this joke now :slight_smile: much appreciated and thank you very much my friend :slight_smile:

I realized that you are a beginner when I saw formulas with the SUM() and SUMPRODUCT() functions - they are not needed there - MeasuredveneersEval.ods