Is there a way to cancel terms in math formulas?

Hello! I was wondering if there is any way of cancelling terms in math formulas. I have looked through the math guide but I haven’t found anything similar except overstrike which is horizontally oriented. Is there any way to achieve that? (maybe through some extension?)

Thank you for the help!

Example from the latex library cancel (link):

Example of term cancelling

Do you want to delete a part of the math formula? Or you want to put some sign (but not the horizontal overstrike) to mark the part as “invalid”?

Please see the image that i attached as an example.

I actually don’t know if there is a strikethrough attribute in Math, but as an experienced teacher I dare suggest to use different attributes (there are many you can use to distinguish pairs) to mark factors for subsequent cancellation.
After all the factors 7 were rightfully there. Why strike them out?
If you have more than one factor 7 in the numerator and also some in the denominator, you can mark more than one pair for cancellation and distinguish the pairs by different attributes.
A first example:
28 over 21={4 cdot 7}over{7 cdot 3}={4 cdot breve 7 }over{breve 7 cdot 3}=4 over 3

By the way, Unicode combining overlays don’t show properly in Math.