Is there a way to get libreoffice to paste text in windows?

Libreoffice on windows occasionally gets to a mode where paste pastes the latest thing from libre office, not text copied from other programs.

Basically as example today I was working in calc and copying a range of cells, then I tried to paste some text from a PDF and it would always just paste the cells.

I have tried pasting into notepad and the text appeared the just fine.

Tried copying the text again and same thing happens.

I have tried saving the sheet and restarting libre office. Even in an empy new sheet the paste is the cells from the previous sheet, not the text. Pasting at this point to notepad still returns the text from pdf.

Tried copying the text again and same thing happens.

Tried pasting in writer and it still pastes the cells.

Copy new cells from calc, then copy text, paste still pastes the new cells…

So is there a way besides restarting the computer to get libreoffice to actually paste the text?

Do not use clipboard manager softwares for the LibreOffice.

I do not have any such software installed.

I also noticed that if I killed all libre office processes the problem went away, but came back again after I copied a cell in calc again.

What operating system are you using? The Windows contains such software by default.

I am using windows 11, but the clipboard history and sync funtions are all off.

Also I tried the clear clipboard data button and it did not have any effect.

A recent post said they had the problem and tracked it down to a YouTube downloader. These intervene in the clipboard to look for YouTube links and can cause problems for other programs.

I do not run any youtube downloaders or such. But checking though my other software if I can find something.

Found it - Teamviewer

Thank you to you both who got me to looking at possible programs.

If I restarted Teamviewer, it started working. Teamviewer definitely does weird things with the clipboard.

The strange thing though is that no other programs seemed to be affected, as before that I had tried pasting to Outlook, Excel, notepad, writer, word, a rich text field on a webpage in both crome and firefox. And in all Libreoffice results it got the libre office copied thing, but all other programs got the last copied thing correctly. So Libre office seems to work different from the majority of windows apps.


Thanks for that. Last week, my wife was having problems with copy and paste in Word 2019. She works remotely so Teams and all the associated paraphernalia are running.

If availabe it may help to switch the sync clipboard feature off (the same feature to sync clipboard between MS accounts seems also to be a problem in Windows).

Actually not related to Teamviewer unless you have installed also “Teamviewer for Teams”.
But if you check the thread above M$ seems to have a switch: “use shared clipboard”