Is there a way to keep Calc from rounding the displayed number and show the stored number when displaying 2 decimals?

I have designed a budget in Calc that is returning inaccurate values in cells shortened to currency format (in other words, two decimal places), and I would like to keep these numbers accurate to the fourth or fifth decimal as stored even when displayed in this format.

Any assistance is considerably appreciated

Full accuray isn’t possible. Numbers are kept in IEEE 754 Double FloatingPoint format when loaded, and in a decimal format with 15 significant digits when stored to a file.
However numbers are not rounded regarding the formatting of the display.
Unfortunately there is a setting for Calc under
>Tools>LibreOffice Calc>Calculate>>General Calculations named
Precision as shown which, if enabled, causes the cell to return the rounded value regarding the format when referenced.
You may have enabled this option inadvertently. (Even for the used template?)

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I appreciate the feedback. precision as shown is turned off, I looked that up in doing my research

Maybe I’ll include this as another feature request on bugzilla

Sorry. I can’t get this into a logically consistent shape.
In fact the subject (short question) does contain a contradiction in my understanding.
I would appreciate if you attach an example document as .ods showing the issue you have for you to your question by editing it.

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Before you prepare your sample document, you might like to look at this 3rd party page that probably covers your question about spreadsheets and precision because it applies to Calc as well, Numeric precision in Microsoft Excel - Wikipedia

No, that extremely complex wikipedia page essentially spelled it out for me.

@Lupp, and @EarnestAl, thank you both for your submissions. I appreciate the time you took to respond. I’m closing the issue since the question is now answered.