I have a document with a ton of non-breaking spaces that I have to remove. I can find all using regular expressions \d+\u00A0
but I don’t want to select the ones that are following a number.
For instance, in this example I am using the ~ to represent non-breaking spaces. I want to replace all the ~ with a regular space, but leave the ~ that are proceeded by a number (ie: 1~).
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus posuere, ante~
elementum pretium, eros purus posuere2~
augue, ac pellentesque metus dui ut libero. Maecenas odio felis, porttitor in ultricies in, dictum eu lectus. Vivamus quis~
faucibus lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse eleifend libero lorem, a tristique~
ligula mattis ac. 3~
Pellentesque a scelerisque nisl. Aenean sit amet mattis ligula,~
amet rhoncus massa. Pellentesque gravida ipsum vitae tempus interdum. Morbi mattis nisl in efficitur porttitor. Phasellus eu rutrum libero. Sed vitae vestibulum neque. Mauris ac orci et ipsum sollicitudin elementum at non~
Is there a way to only find/replace non-breaking spaces that are NOT preceded by a number?