Is there a way to reset Libre Calc and all documents to default colors?

I’ve used Libre Calc on Arch Linux for years, through many updates of color and style options and approaches to dark mode. And a period of trying to use Collabora Office on my iPhone to view some of the files. (It completely rewrites the file content to about half the size, and then Libre rewrites it back to original size. And leaves the zoom setting huge. I gave up on it.)

Over and over, a new Libre version has suddenly made some of my files invisible - typically all I see is a few squiggly underlines in some cells, but no text at all.

Format → Theme… never changes anything. Format → Spreadsheet Theme sometimes can make the text appear, especially if I choose “Blue jeans”. But not always - yesterday nothing would make the text in the file I needed to see visible. Just now Blue jeans worked in the same exact file!

Sometimes I can fix visibility with Tools → Options… → Application Colors, changing Document background and Font color, but that seems random. Sometimes Automatic works, sometimes my chosen colors appear in the document, often the reverse of the colors chosen in the dialog appear! (Yes, I Apply my changes…)

Next time I open the same document it may behave differently. And every document seems to need a different pattern of hacks to restore visibility.

So… Is there some way to remove all color formatting choices from the Libre Calc app and from my saved documents, and start over with all default settings? I don’t care about fancy shading, I want high contrast white text on a black background, for my lousy vision. Please?

There is a way to prevent colours being visible on screen but to print with the existing colours. Click Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Accessibility and enable high contrast mode

I have that High Contrast mode enabled all the time. Even yesterday, for the invisible files.

I just tried again, with the file version I saved after choosing “Blue jeans”. Today I can disable High Contrast mode or set “Blue jeans” back to Default, and everything remains visible.

This is just hopelessly chaotic!