Is there any way to tell LibreOffice Writer not to have any page breaks, so I can type long sections of text without encountering page breaks? When I started using LibreOffice Writer a couple of weeks ago I thought this would be a default setting, but I can’t find such a setting anywhere. Concentrating on typing text (for example let’s say I’m writing a book or preparing text for posting into a Facebook group) and periodically encountering yawning great page breaks are simply not compatible. Also not compatible is when I’m typing text and I want to make a paragraph break and I click on “Enter” (on my desktop keyboard) and instead of a paragraph break I get a dark black band – also not compatible with the creative process of writing long stretches of text
May be you are looking for option View -> Hide Whitespaces
(but this is just a visual thing - it does not prevent Writer to add additional pages when additional content demands a new page).
Your paragraph issue on ENTER
sounds strange but could be a border definition withing the paragraph style in use - check with Style Manager (F11
) - or Right click -> Paragraph -> Paragraph...->Tab: Borders
Thanks Opaque for commenting and for your specific suggestions I just did a brief test of “View → Hide Whitespaces “ and I was impressed by the results! I was also impressed when I tested out LeroyG suggestion “Try menu View – Web.” I’m confident the combined suggestions of the three answers I’ve received here will mean I can stay with libreoffice
View -> Hide Whitespaces
could be activated only in Single-page view
mode (in the Status bar, next to Zoom factor).
Ed Everest,
Try menu View
- Web
Thanks LeroyG for commenting and for your specific suggestion I just did a brief test and your suggestion looks very encouraging! As I mentioned to the other two responders I’m confident the combined suggestions of the three answers I’ve received here will mean I can stay with libreoffice
Both in View
- Web
and View
- Hide Whitespaces
there are issues with images and text boxes when not anchored as character.
You can also, while preparing text, set the page height to nearly 6 m (5.99999 m). This is the height of more than 20 A4 pages.
I don’t understand your point about page breaks.
If you type your text with a “non intrusive” paragraph style such as Text Body (or eventually the dreaded Default Style which should never be used to style the fundamental discourse of the document), page breaks occur only at periodic interval when a new page is allocated. This is not that disturbing.
The primary purpose of Writer is to give a WISYWIG feedback about how the book will look like once printed. There is therefore a plethora of styles to format semantically different parts of the document.
If you are really annoyed by the breaks, you can mitigate their effect by using a page style where top and bottom margins are reduced to zero (ignore the printer driver warning about printer limitation) and a modified Body Style paragraph style adopting as neutral as possible parameters (possibly with zero before and after spacing).
If the document destination is posting or Facebook, you’ll probably be better off with a simple** text editor** (SimpleText on MacOS, gedit or KWrite under Linux or NotePad under Windows). Text editors have no notion of pages and this is probably what you are looking for.
Allow me to disagree with you concerning book writing. Even in the early phase when I’m not yet concerned with final formatting, having text already styled with the main categories like Body Text and Heading n gives some “breathing” to text making it easier to proofread. You sound as if you don’t care for the structure of your document, subcontracting to a total stranger the task of designing formatting as if it were completely independent of content. Some of your ideas or arguments might be missed with such an approach.
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Thanks for commenting and for your suggestions ajlittoz. Re “I don’t understand your point about page breaks”: at the heart of my question is the creative process of writing and the concentration that’s essential to my creative writing…Re “This is not that disturbing” okay that’s your experience but it’s not mine Re “using a page style where top and bottom margins are reduced to zero” I’ll investigate that suggestion a bit later today. Re "a simple* text editor*: yes that will be my fallback - I’ve used various of those since before Facebook came on the scene till a couple of weeks ago, but I’m confident the combined suggestions of the three answers I’ve received here will mean I can stay with libreoffice