Is there a way to temporarily override auto-correction?

In writing about music theory a minor tonic chord is indicated by a lower-case Roman numeral “one,” i.e. a lower-case “i”

It is impossible to indicate this because auto-correct in English will always change this to an upper-case “I”

The only solution I’ve found is to delete that entry from the Replace Options dialog, but that means that in 99.9% of the use cases, a lower-case i gets left intact too.


The easiest way is to press Ctrl+Z immediately after it is converted to an upper case I.

You could create a character style for music with a Language of None. You could make this style include a different font or different attribute so that a solitary i doesn’t get lost on the body of the text and other specialised names stand out. See Help or the section on styles in the Writer Guide from English documentation | LibreOffice Documentation - LibreOffice User Guides


Thanks Al - I never considered the Ctrl+Z, but that does indeed do the trick. It’s the simplest solution, and allows auto-correct to be fully engaged for everything else. The upper- and lower-case Roman numerals used in music to indicate chord/harmonic structure is most often embedded within normal text explaining the principles, so overriding the auto-correct is really the best way to go.

Thanks again!