In Writer and Calc, it is possible to use a shortcut to directly create a superscripted number by using the ^ symbol directly followed by a number.
I was wondering if there is an equivalent for subscripted numbers?
I am aware of the style keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+shift+B for subscripts) but I am looking into something more practical to use while writing. This would also be very useful to add extra entries in the Autocorrect list, especially for chemical formulas (it is possible to input a superscripted number thanks to the ^ shortcut, but not with copy+paste).
In the case this does not exist, the extra question is: how is the superscript ^ shortcut handled by LibreOffice? Or is it completely a system-level thing? (I just saw that I can use it right here too: ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶)
I am using LO 4.3.6 on Ubuntu 14.04