Is there any way to force LibreOffice 24.2 to recover unmodified documents?

With LibreOffice 24.2, it seems that unmodified files are now removed from the recovery list. I had always relied on them being there as I tend to have many documents open at once, and when I shutdown my computer I rely on all documents, saved or not saved, being recovered at next startup so I don’t have to re-open them all manually every morning.

If I understand it correctly, another comment from that thread seems to suggest that there is a SessionSave recovery type that will still recover all documents, even unmodified ones(?), but I can’t find anyway to make this the recovery option. Is there any way to force LibreOffice 24.2 to recover all documents that were open at shutdown, even unmodified ones?

My suspicion is that SessionSave is intended to happen when you shutdown the computer with the open instance of LibreOffice. But it doesn’t work in practice. On Windows, there’s an attempt to fix that (with a different goal, but doesn’t matter), but I couldn’t make that work.

Is your question specific to the database interface component Base (considering your base tag) or do you mean is a “common” issue (in which case it should be tagged common)?

Should have been common, thanks for the correction!

Yeah, Version is busted…

I just lost half a days work on a document as it was not recovered. I suspect part of the problem was that I had not saved it (I mean, why would I? I never had to do this before as LO always recovered document1, document2, documentn, etc., in the past.).

This is not a feature!

I lost my work when I paste HTML into another document, and it crashed LO. When I restarted, rather than recovering two documents, I discovered nothing. Zero. Nil. Bupkis. Zip. Void. NULL. ÷0. Nada. ex nihilo nihil fit

What is your operating system?

Abusing a feature is not a correct use!
But actually, you didn’t explain what happened. If you didn’t save a modified document, then nothing should change compared to previous versions. So - your “Yeah, Version is busted” looks talking about something completely, 100% different than what @MurdoMaclachlan wrote about. Nothing in common. Absolutely unrelated.

I have the same situation, under Linux: I work with a list of many Writer documents open simultaneously, and at the end of the day, I save them all but I don´t close them and then I shutdown LO. Next morning, I used to lauch LO writer and it recovered/opened my files, so I didn’t have to open every document manually. This used to work with LO 7.x versions, but not anymore with 24.x, so at the moment I will stay with 7.x, but this is a feature that could come back.

And how is this a solution to the initial question? It looks like a rant. According to AskLO rules (you read them since AskLO changed its engine, didn’t you?), Answers are reserved for solutions. Comments are used for any other purpose.

Additionally, “me too” statements never helped solve a problem in a peer-to-peer site. This may emphasise the severity of a bug in BugZilla, but here it only clutters the site.


It is not a solution. If I had one, I would not be here. I am just reinforcing the situation posted by OP since I have seen nobody else complaining about it. Have you got any solution??? Thank you.

And again, this is not a solution. You were told to use comment. Comments also “refresh” the question and contribute to question scoring. But false answers confuse visiting users making them think there are several possible solutions. Doing so decrease the value of the topic, which is detrimental to OP.

Please fix the situation. Only you, as post owner can delete and repost. Thanks for keeping up with the site usefulness. Rules are rules, sorry if you think otherwise.

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