Is there any way to put floating labels on Base text fields?

The UI of my Base database could appreciate being able to put the labels for every text field inside the text fields themselves (floating labels), instead of having to put them on top of the fields themselves. Is there any way of doing it, or is it planned for any future versions? Thanks in advance for the replies. (Example of what I mean, the “Your email” text).

You could try this with default values, which should disappear when clicking in the control. But it will need much workarounds by macro.

No thx, don’t wanna involve macros for just that. I hope that they officially implement that feature anytime soon.

I hope that they officially implement that feature anytime soon.

Nothing is introduced unless it is entered on Bugzilla as a feature request.

Perhaps you can do it with a Group box around the text box, this is similar to you image

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You could put the name into the textbox help text field… then it would show when you hovered there…other than that…a ton of event triggered macro work per box…wow…not worth it.