After a bad experience with trying to get help for a very easy problem, it seems that LibreOffice relies solely on users for support and do not actually monitor the forum to ensure problems are addressed. Would that be a fair assessment?
I essentially have a document that I use bookmark/hyperlink to create a reference for personal use - authors and books. It’s 600+ pages, as I’ve been adding to it for several years. It worked well with Word and, when Word stopped working with my new PC (Vista to Win10), I thought to try out LibreOffice, since I’m a senior and I don’t use Word all that often. I was able to do the same thing, although it wasn’t a “nice”, nor elegant (a problem in LibreOffice with everything I do). Then, after an update, I could no longer do it. I essentially wanted to know if it was broken. Couldn’t get an answer on that.
What I did get was folks telling me that what I was doing just wasn’t good enough and that I could do other things that literally added many more steps, plus trying to find more tabs, etc. If I stated this fact, I got a lecture.
I appreciate the help, even if it wasn’t actually given, but don’t really understand why there doesn’t seem to be anyone from LibreOffice addressing unanswered questions.