Issues converting to Split Database in Base using HSQL 2.2.8, Class Path works but connection is not?

I am trying to install a split database (starting with a file copy) using an upgrade to HSQL 2.2.8. I got HSQL 2.2.8, and have followed the instructions from another post on Super User ( ) to get the Class Path working fine when I pointed it to the correct location for my HSQL 2.2.8 and restarted LibreOffice.
In Edit > Database > Properties I used Test Class and it successfully connected to the JDBC driver. That part worked fine. But then when I test the connection it keeps saying that the file is not found. I checked the file path again and again, tried moving it to different locations but its not working. I first had tried it with the mydb.file.odb that I found on a LibreOffice/OpenOffice forum and that connection would not work. So I copied the Data Class URL from the other post mentioned above changing the file path as needed pointing it to where I had saved the extracted and renamed files and it still says that it does not exist.

The error message I get is: SQL Status: S1000
Error code: -451

Database lock acquisition failure: lockFile: org.hsqldb.persist.LockFile@d016958c[file =/Home/Databases/ManualDB/ManualDB.lck, exists=false, locked=false, valid=false, ] method: openRAF reason: /Home/Databases/ManualDB/ManualDB.lck (No such file or directory)

I saw something somewhere that a wildcard (~) can be used with HSQL 2.x to find the current user, but I am not sure how to do this or if this is in fact the issue.

I am running LibreOffice 4.0 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

Any suggestions?

This isn’t exactly an answer to my particular question above as much as it is a very good workaround that achieves the same end - a split database. I just found this yesterday on the internet:
(If you can’t find it for some reason just google HSQL split database wizard) It contains macros that set up the split database for you automatically, very simple, easy to follow instructions, you’ll have a usuable split database in minutes.

FYI: When making the change to a split database I encountered problems with changed field data types - just view your table field’s properties by editing in table view - BUT you cannot change them there and have to use simple SQL instead. (ALTER TABLE “TableName” ALTER “FieldName” VARCHAR(60) for example). Once you alter your field properties your queries should all work properly again.
And so far so good - my most complex Invoice Database that I first tested it on is working great, after a bit of tweaking, but I have far more advanced SQL avialable to me now and most importantly it is no longer prone to data loss. :slight_smile: