I’m having a few issues making a reinvestment spreadsheet.
The first issue i’m having involves “Dragging down” a formula to quickly paste into new cells in a column.
I want one of the values to increment which it is doing properly. However, I want the second part of the equation to stay at a constant value which is a cell.
For example, Let’s have a column, B, which is a constant value that is set by the user. However, on each new row I would like to multiply by (K4), (K5), (K6), etc. I want the K to increment as it’s doing but B to always equal (B4).
The second issue i’m having is when I change some starting values the whole speadsheet isn’t updating properly. I will manually have to go by hand from (A1) - (A8) pushing F9 on each cell. The the same for each extra row. Some of the values update but it doesn’t seem to update procedurally. I can explain more if this doesn’t make sense, just let me know.
Thank you for any help.