Issues with icons showing apache open office instead of libre in files saved.

I recently installed Libre Office on my Mac running high sierra. Was using apache open office which I have uninstalled. What i’m having issues is when I save a file, spreadsheet to my desktop the icon that appears for the file is the apache open office. It has the blue and white birds on the corner.

It is not the green icon for files associated with Libre Office. Is there a way to make this the green icon? Not sure if there are files left over from the old program that is causing this, if so not sure where it would be located. Any help appreciated

You need to change file associations; this is something not related to LO - see for example How to Set or Remove Default File Associations on Mac or use your favourite search engine to search file associations mac

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The files are already associated with LO. The default program to open it also. When the files is in the documents folder the icons that show are the LO. But when I put it on my desktop or save a new file on the desktop, it has the apache open office icons. As i stated above, apache open office has been uninstalled.

Incorrect icon associations? Repair incorrect icon associations might help.