Item selection issue

So, this mainly applies to Impress and Draw. If I select a single object, it shows me 8 far points of the object, which makes sense in telling me where the item is located. However, If I select multiple items, instead of showing me both of those items’ individual points separately, it combines them together. So, if I want to select or deselect an object located between them, I will get absolutely no feedback about if it is selected or not. It really makes it unbearable to work sometimes. Is there a setting to make it behave more like how it would in MS Office Powerpoint? This way, one can track every single item that is select or not. I couldn’t find a setting to change it, I just don’t know what it could be named.

That’s normal, it’s a temporary grouping.

Describe what your goal is when you mark several objects.

Sometimes I need to select multiple items and edit/move them in some way. There is a chance that I might misclick on a wrong item. With the current arrangement, I do not see where I clicked, so I don’t exactly know which items I have selected. Is it possibly to turn off temporary grouping and use normal grouping (or whatever it is called)?

Select the desired objects and right-click on them.
Select Grouping in the context menu (Ctrl+Shift+G).

Thanks, but that was not what I was looking for. I know what grouping is. I just want objects to show their individual 8 points when multiple objects are selected. So, if i select 2 items, I would see 16 squares in total (8 for each object). I don’t want them to be grouped. The problem is that when I want to select many objects and I misclick on one, I have to start over, which is annoying.

I just want objects to show their individual 8 points when multiple objects are selected.

This display does not work in LibreOffice.

You can press the Shift key and click on the selected object to deselect it.

That was my question. I thought maybe there is a setting to change between the two modes.
I know I can deselect objects, the problem is that I receive no feedback about it if there are more objects selected around it, leaving me to guess.
I hope they will consider adding this feature, not necessarily replacing the current one, but as an optional feature

Who ist “they”?

This is a website where users help other users.

You can submit a feature request on Bugzilla.

How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice

I mean the developers. I am positive that people who frequently select deselect multiple objects would find it useful.

Yes, they are on Bugzilla.

Can I make suggestions there? I don’t think this would register as a bug.

You can submit (bugs and) a feature request on Bugzilla.