I've installed calc on my windows 8.1 PC (both english) but on launch nothing happens. What's up?

I try to launch the calc and get the wait icon gor a second or less then nothing. in task manager i don’t see the calc process start

@CulBaka - Which steps did you take for the installation? Is there a special reason for installing only Calc? Why did you not install the entire office suit?

I installed using custom install and unselected the components other than calc but left the parts below the various office programs. I have no use for the other parts of the office suite, only calc so that is what I installed.

You definitive installed an “old” version of LibreOffice. The option to install only specific parts of the application was removed from the installer in the LibreOffice version 4.2 (see Release Notes at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/4.2#Installer_.28win_only.29 ).

Moreover many bugs regarding LibreOffice Calc 4.2 were fixed. So please try to install a new version.

I did not install an old version, I installed the version listed as the main installer for windows on the site now. LibreOffice_4.1.5_Win_x86 is the file.

I see now that there was another one at the bottom of the page listed as 4.2.2. Why this was not listed as the main installer is beyond me. but I’ll try installing that one.

It works now, though I unfortunately have useless programs in addition to the one I wanted. Thanks.

@CulBaka, actually previously in 4.1.x if you did not install some of the programs actually they were installed but somehow broken that they could not be started. This led to all sort of problems. Now all of the programs are installed. I would also like to see to be able to install only the components that I need (Writer, Calc, Impress and Draw) to spare disk space and to not have some shortcuts that I don’t need.