- I have downloaded LO Version: and installed it for Windows 7 Pro.
- Base told that “JRE is required”. What is right version of JRE for this system? Oracle guide told that it must be same bit amount than Windows has. So I took jre-8u144-windows-x64.exe from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html
- After installing as Admin the Base says again “JRE is required”. EDIT: JRE didn’t appear in Tools> Preferences> LO> Advanced.
- Then I saw here that someone have told that bit-amount must correlate to LO’s bits. I have checked that LO was installed to Windows folder “Program files (x86)”.
- Next I took jre-8u144-windows-i586.exe and installed it.
- Now base says: “JRE is defective” (some notification after installed this x86 version has come by browser from oracle). EDIT: JRE has appeared in Tools> Preferences> LO> Advanced and it was automatically apply!
Always trying to open Base to create a new db, Base will stop to answer and I must kill it from tasks via Ctrl+Alt+Del.
What’s wrong here? Why Libre Office’s online FAQ didn’t tell anything of this issue and right options?
Thank you!