jump to a specified cell in a BASIC macro?

all in the title. I want to move the viewer such that I am looking at a particular cell which I want the user to change. I am not seeing any way to do this in a BASIC macro, and the documentation is too fragmented to be much help. Here’s the context

'look for duplicate entries		
for ii = dataStart + 1 to dataEnd step 1
	calcS2 = calcS1
	calcS1 = thisComponent.Sheets(0).getCellByPosition(0, ii) 	 & thisComponent.Sheets(0).getCellByPosition(1, ii)
	if calcS2 = calcS1 then
		msgBox("ERROR: Duplicate entries on line " & ii)
                    viewTheFollowingSheetColumnRow(0, 0, ii)
	end if
next ii

And while I’m here, these are the resources I’ve found for BASIC, which are wanting. If anyone has a LibreOffice BASIC bible, I’d be much obliged.



ps. Libre office, on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

I do not really understand the “context”. How should the SUB be triggered to run? If I want an alert concerning duplicates (in $A$2:$A$21, e.g.) I use a helper column containing a formula (here given for cell B5) like
=IF(COUNTIF($A$2:$A5;$A5)>1;“Duplicate entry! Regard row “&TEXT(MATCH($A5;$A$2:$A5;0)+ROW($A$2:$A$21)-1;“0”);””)

This is if the alert shall appear for every cell in the range (Fill it in!) - without filtering.

I was just going to trigger it with a toolbar button. Something like this ought to be running periodically… but I don’t want to press my luck trying to implement something like that.

As far as a helper columm, I suppose I can implement something like that… I’m dealing with a spreadsheet that is thousands of entries long, though; jumping to problem entries would be a useful feature (otherwise I have to scroll through thousands of rows by hand, looking for errors when I merge new data in).