Just a column on a worksheet

I have a routine that searches and replaces text strings throughout a whole workbook.

sub MyFindReplace(strSearch, strReplace)
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem define variables
dim document   as object
dim dispatcher as object
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem get access to the document
document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim args(7) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args(0).Name = "SearchItem.AllTables"
args(0).Value = true
args(1).Name = "SearchItem.SearchFiltered"
args(1).Value = false
args(2).Name = "SearchItem.Pattern"
args(2).Value = false
args(3).Name = "SearchItem.Content"
args(3).Value = false
args(4).Name = "SearchItem.AlgorithmType"
args(4).Value = 0
args(5).Name = "SearchItem.SearchString"
args(5).Value = strSearch
args(6).Name = "SearchItem.ReplaceString"
args(6).Value = strReplace
args(7).Name = "SearchItem.Command"
args(7).Value = 3

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:ExecuteSearch", "", 0, args())

end sub

How do I get it to operate only on a specific column on a specific worksheet?

If that’s not possible, then searching in a selection would be okay too.



The method you have posted is for entire documents and can be used in other modules such as Writer. To do what you ask in Calc a different approach is taken (although similar). It really can be adjusted to perform the operation on a portion of the sheet or an entire sheet.

Sub MyFindReplace2(strSheetName, strCellRange, strSearch, strReplace)
  oData = oSheet.getCellRangeByName( strCellRange )
  oCellFormatRanges = oData.getCellFormatRanges()
  oRangeSelected = oCellFormatRanges.getByIndex(0)
  xSearchDesc = oRangeSelected.createSearchDescriptor()
  xSearchDesc.SearchString = strSearch
  xSearchDesc.SearchCaseSensitive = true
  xSearchDesc.SearchWords = true
  xSearchDesc.ReplaceString = strReplace
End Sub


A sample call for specific cells:

Sub ReplaceIt
  MyFindReplace2("Sheet1", "A2:A15", "Good", "Good-Bye")
End Sub

A sample call for entire column:

Sub ReplaceIt
  MyFindReplace2("Sheet1", "A:A", "Good", "Good-Bye")
End Sub

To search entire sheet, change last line of macro to oSheet.replaceAll(xSearchDesc)

Edit 11/13/2017 (Recent change adds error checking for Sheet name & Cell range):

In light of the comments below, here is a second version with added capabilities:

Sub MyFindReplace3(strSheetName, Optional strCellRange, strSearch, strReplace)
  on error goto SheetError
  xSearchDesc = oSheet.createSearchDescriptor()
  xSearchDesc.SearchString = strSearch
  xSearchDesc.SearchCaseSensitive = true
  xSearchDesc.SearchWords = true
  xSearchDesc.ReplaceString = strReplace
  If IsMissing(strCellRange) Then
	strCellRange = "*"
	iResult = InStr(strCellRange, ",")
	iRangeCount = 0
    while iResult > 0
    	iRangeCount = iRangeCount + 1
    	iResult = InStr(iResult + 1,strCellRange, ",")
  If strSheetName = "*" Then
  	iSheetCount = ThisComponent.Sheets.getCount()
  	For x = 0 to iSheetCount -1
  		oSheet1 = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(x)
  	If strCellRange = "*" Then
		oSheet1 = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName)
		iResult = InStr(strCellRange, ",")
		oSheet1 = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName)
        on error goto RangeError
		If  iResult = 0 Then
			oData = oSheet1.getCellRangeByName( strCellRange )
			oCellFormatRanges = oData.getCellFormatRanges()
			oRangeSelected = oCellFormatRanges.getByIndex(0)
			Dim sCellSplit(iRangeCount) As String
			sCellSplit = Split(strCellRange,",")
			For x = 0 to iRangeCount
				oData = oSheet1.getCellRangeByName( sCellSplit(x) )
				oCellFormatRanges = oData.getCellFormatRanges()
				oRangeSelected = oCellFormatRanges.getByIndex(0)
  Exit sub
    MsgBox "Specified Sheet name not found."
    Exit sub
    MsgBox "Error in Cell Range"
End Sub

Parameter usage:

  • strSheetName - “SPECIFIC_SHEET” will only look at named sheet; “*” will replace in ALL sheets dis-regarding strCellRange.

  • strCellRange - Now Optional. If missing, will replace all as specified in strSheetName; If “*” will replace all as specified in strSheetName; will accept “A:A” for entire column, “A1:A15” for specifics in column, “A:B” for contiguous columns, or “A:A,C:C” for non-contiguous columns. Note this is sample & other combinations apply.

  • strSearch is the string to search for

  • strReplace is the replacement string

If this answers your question please click on the :heavy_check_mark: (upper left area of answer).

… or make first lines of replacement sub like

Sub MyFindReplace2(oCellRange, strSearch, strReplace)
  oCellFormatRanges = oCellRange.getCellFormatRanges()

and call it like

MyFindReplace2(ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1").getCellRangeByName("A2:A15"), "Good", "Good-Bye")
MyFindReplace2(ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1").getCellRangeByName("A:A"), "Good", "Good-Bye")
MyFindReplace2(ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1"), "Good", "Good-Bye")

@mikekaganski Thanks for the input - always welcome. However this would take away some potential flexibility in the routine. For example, by sending “*” as the sheet name, have routine check & if found, loop through all the sheets to react on entire document. Or for Cells, you could accommodate for non-contiguous columns.